Training Certificate Course

Face Æsthetic Masterclass

Minimal Invasive, Face Rejuvenation & Beautification

25 – 26

November 2023


International 2 days masterclass to become an expert
Hands-on and certification
International faculty

Scientific committee

Get to know our international scientific committee



France - Iran






France - UAE

Jérome PARIS





He practices in Nice, France (“L’Artistique”, Medical Healthcare,

He graduated at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Marseille (Senior intern, hospital assistant and clinical head physician).

He was Teacher anatomy instructor at the Marseille University faculty.

Associate surgeon to the American Hospital of Paris (2009-2011), he works in private activity in Nice since 2001.

President of the Medical Establishment Commission (French CME) of the Saint-François clinic in Nice (2012-2022).

Affiliated to the French Medical Council since 1998. Affiliated to the general medical council (UK) in 2014 and Switzerland Medical Council since 2015.

He is an international expert in surgery and medicine aesthetic fields, and one of the most well-known ENT& FPS doctors (with nearly 35000 searches on google per one month – source google business January 2020).

Numerous Teaching French Inter University diplomas (Paris, Nice, Lyon…)

Numerous private teaching courses in Europe. He performs a lot of conferences all over the world (USA; Boston Harvard University, New York; India New Delhi, EAU Dubai ; South Africa Cap town; North Africa, Marrakech, Casablanca, Europe; France, Monaco, Italy; Bergamo, Milano, Napoli, Roma, Bologna; Spain Barcelona, Sitges, Madrid…; Portugal Lisboa, Porto; Poland Varsovie Russia Moscow, Saint Petersburg; Switzerland, Geneva, UK, Coventry, Warwick…

Co-Founder and Past-President of the Advanced Medical and Surgical Aesthetic Society (SAMCEP), Secretary for the French Society of Facial Plastic Surgery (SFCPEF), he is also member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery and, the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe. Since 2014, he joins the American Society of Plastic surgeons.

He organized a lot of congress and published many scientific studies and books on facial plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine.

He is one of the pioneer in the world for the Medical Rhinoplasty, with the first publication and the reference book in this field. He is the founder also of the “less is more and the medical strobing” concepts in aesthetic medicine.

Key opinion leader for several companies and scientific committees.

Member of the main board and the scientific organization for the “Awards de l’esthétique médicale

He was the scientific co-founder of Face2face congress, and the current the scientific coordinator for Anti-aging Monaco World Congress, Aesthetic Multispecialty Society, Face Aesthetics Masterclass, Nice Rhinoplasty course, ORL Corsica, Esthetique Corsica and Botulinum Toxin Summit

France - Iran


She is the co-editor of the major textbook of skin biometrology, « Agache’s Measuring the Skin », By Springer and also author of several chapters in different dermatologic book such as Atlas of Dermatology, Dermatopathology and Venereology, Gender Dermatology, etc.

Thanks to her outstanding experience in aesthetic injections and Laser application in Dermatology, She is actually the Scientific Director of the FILLMED Laboratories in France. She is also the trainer and speaker at several international congresses and events and also academic trainer at University Diploma Curriculum (DIU) in « Cosmetic Dermatology, Dermatological Laser and Cosmetology » since 2012 in France.

She is reviewer for several English and French scientific journals such as JEADV, Archives of Dermatology, Skin and Research Technology, Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, Case Reports in Dermatologicals, Therapeutic Realities in Dermato-Venerology, etc.





France - UAE

Jérome PARIS

Dr Jérôme Paris is the Chairman of the Head & Neck Department of the Institut de Chirurgie ORL et maxillo-faciale Clairval, Hopital Privé Clairval since 2006 and Director-Consultant at the Institut Euro-Mediterranéen de Chirurgie Esthétique et Plastique, since 2008, in Marseilles, France. He is also head of the CORE Head and Neck service in Hopital Privé de Provence since 2019.

He is a specialist consultant in Moscow, Russia since 2016, and in Dubai, UAE since 2021.

He is also registered at the UK General Medical Council since 2013.

Dr Jérôme Paris is director-professor of Face Aesthetic Masterclass since 2010
( He is also director of the international annual conference on Botulinum Toxin since 2015 ( and director of the Face2F@ce international conference on aesthetic surgery and medicine in Cannes- France. He has been vice-secretary of the SAMCEP Scientific Society (Société Avancée de Médecine et Chirurgie Esthétique et Plastique).

He is highly experienced in Facial Plastic Surgery and Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery and is internationally renowned for his expertise in the management of facial rejuvenation, facial palsy management parotid gland tumors (minimally invasive technique of aesthetic parotidectomy), and rhinoplasty.

Dr Paris graduated from Marseille University in France with academic distinction and national SFORL award. He completed his residency and fellowship program in Marseilles France in 2003. He then specialized in Facial Plastic Surgery and Head and Neck Surgery with a fellowship in New York USA at the MSKCC in 2004.

He has previously practiced at the University Hospital La Timone in Marseilles-France, at the American Hospital of Paris-France as an associate member, and at the Medical Chambers Kensington in London-UK as a consultant.
Dr Paris has published more than 50 scientific articles in various medical international journals. To date, he has participated in over 80 medical congresses in France, Europe and the rest of the world. Dr Paris is a professor and lecturer on surgery in France and abroad. He was appointed honorary professor in Xiamen China.

He speaks fluent English and French and serves in Marseilles and Paris (France), Moscow (Russia), and Dubai (UAE).




Dear colleague

We are happy and honored to invite you to attend our first international Function and Aesthetic Masterclass specialised on face beautification in Dubai, on November 25-26, 2023.
The Function and Aesthetics Masterclass medical education FACE 2023 programme provides an outstanding anatomical and clinical education about facial anatomy and face medical cosmetic procedures .

This Abu Dhabi emirate session is scheduled over 2 days with great theoretical and practical hands on workshops.

We believe that best learning provides best medical practice. The goal of these 2 days is to prepare cosmetic doctors to become experts.

CME credits will be awarded and a certification diploma will be granted to attendees.

You will definitely remember your Face Aesthetics Masterclass experience: international key opinion leaders speakers, great quality of the comprehensive scientific program, great venue !

We are looking forward to seeing you in Abu Dhabi next February

Get your seat online

Jerome PARIS – Frederic BRACCINI


  • Jerome PARIS, FRANCE – UAE

Scientific committee

  • Hassan GALADARI, UAE
  • Jerome PARIS, FRANCE – UAE

Don’t miss this event, registration are already opened!